(416) 524-3000 



As a provincial leader in asphalt production, Forest offers an extensive range of asphalt services to address all needs.


Aging parking areas often have a stable asphalt base that is well-suited for resurfacing. By opting for high-quality asphalt resurfacing, landowners can extend the lifespan and increase thickness; leading to substantial cost savings compared to a complete replacement.

Catch Basins / Manholes

Catch basins and manholes in low asphalt areas require routine maintenance, with signs of deterioration, such as cracked or webbed surfaces, needing atention. Forest addresses these issues by utilizing precast asphalt rings to adjust grade heights and replace deteriorated brick and mortar affected by erosion.

Parking Lots & Roads

The construction of new pavement requires crucial steps, including supplying and compacting appropriate granular and asphalt mixes for various applications, along with establishing a robust sub-base. From manufacturing asphalt mixes in-house to utilizing premium tools and heavy compaction equipment, Forest guarantees the provision of superior and long-lasting pavement construction for roadways, parking lots, pathways and more.

Patch Repairs

Water can be the most detrimental factor to pavement integrity, infiltrating the base layers through surface cracks. It is imperative to proactively prevent this occurrence to safeguard and prolong the lifespan of pavement, whether it be a commercial parking lot, roadways, or a pathway.


Asphalt pathways offer cost-effective and aesthetically pleasing alternatives for walkways, trails, and low-traffic areas. Forest uses precision machinery to ensure a level surface, enhancing both the quality and aesthetics of asphalt, making it a durable and attractive foundation suitable for residential areas.

Pavement Markings

Pavement markings are crucial for order and safety. In strict adherence to bylaws, Forest recognizes the importance of these lines and markings, emphasizing their clarity and visibility for motorists, cyclists, and pedestrians alike.


Forest adeptly addresses widespread cracks and potholes in pavement, particularly noticeable after harsh seasons. Repairing potholes is a cost-effective method to maintain pavements until budgets permit more extensive repairs. Count on Forest to consistently deliver safer, smoother, and aesthetically pleasing roadways.

Route & Seal

Asphalt cracks are both a disturbance and a hazard for those in transit. By applying a high-quality, flexible rubberized asphalt sealant that bonds seamlessly with the pavement and adapts to temperature fluctuations, the pavement’s lifespan is extended.

Other Services

  • Concrete Construction

    We offer quality and reliable concrete services to both residential and commercial properties to improve and enhance the look and functionality of any property.

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  • Snow Services

    Whether your needs are residential, commercial, or public, we guarantee your property will be cleared of snow and de-iced quickly and efficiently with our premium equipment.

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  • Landscape Construction

    Our team of authorized installers can take a project from the blueprint to the procurement of materials, to laying and finishing. We ensure that projects are completed efficiently.

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  • Building Restoration

    We use the finest equipment and the most precise skill to restore the necessary areas of your property. The materials used are always carefully selected to guarantee long-lasting protection.

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